Shareholders' Information
Registered Office:
Turner Morrison Building6 Lyons Range, Mezzanine Floor,
North-West Corner, Kolkata - 700001.
Tel No. - +91-033-2231-0055
Fax. +91 33 2230 0336
E mail: info@manaksia.com
Website: www.manaksia.com
CIN: L74950WB1984PLC038336
Registrar and Share Transfer Agent's
Maheshwari Datamatics Pvt. Ltd.23, R. N. Mukherjee Road, 5th Floor, Kolkata -700001
Tel No.: 033-2248 2248/ 2243 5029/ 2231 6839
Fax: 033-2248 4787
E mail: mdpldc@yahoo.com
Website : www.mdpl.in
Details of the person for handling Investor Grievances :
Mr. Anatha Bandhaba ChakrabarttyCompany Secretary & Compliance officer
Turner Morrison Building,
6 Lyons Range, Mezzanine Floor,
North West Corner,Kolkata – 700 001
Phone No. +91 033 2231 0055
Fax No. +91 33 2230 0336
E-mail Id. : investor.relations@manaksia.com / abchakrabartty@manaksia.com
Nodal Officer for IEPF :
Mr. Manoj SinghaniaChief Financial Officer
Phone No. +91 033 2231 0055
E-mail Id. : msinghania@manaksia.com
Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism:
Link to Smart ODR Portal: https://smartodr.in/loginManaksia is a multi-division and multi-location conglomerate.Manaksia specialises in the manufacture of packaging products (PP Caps for bottles,crowns for bottles, closures for bottles,containers for bottles,ROPP (Roll-On-Pilfer-Proof) Caps for bottles,
Plastic Caps for bottles,Carbonated Soft Drink Closures for bottles,Crown Caps for bottles), metal products and fast moving consumer goods, among others.The company's metal packaging products include crowns, roll-on pilfer-proof closures, expanded polyethylene liners as well as push-open and other metal containers. In the fast
moving consumer goods segment, the company is a dependable mosquito repellents outsourcing destination.