Corporate Policies
Manaksia has always adhered to the corporate policies pursuant to the norms of good Corporate Governance. The Company has always practised Corporate Governance and has taken necessary actions at appropriate times for enhancing and meeting stakeholders' expectations while continuing to comply with mandatory provisions of Corporate Governance.
Manaksia has a corporate governance policy that promotes the highest levels of transparency and accountability to all stakeholders. It is a system by which all business corporations within the Company are directed and controlled. It deals with laws, procedures, practices and implicit rules that determine the Company's ability to take informed managerial decisions via its principal stakeholders, shareholders, creditors, customers, the state and employees.
Code of conduct for Board members and Senior Management
Policy on Business Responsibility
Policy on determining material events
Code of practice and procedure for fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information
Policy for determining Material Subsidiaries
Code of Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring and Reporting of Trading by Insiders
and Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information